'World Food Day, celebrated on October 16, marks the anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations, every year. The Day aims to raise awareness about the rising problem of hunger in the world and promote healthy eating. To watch this video in Hindi, visit our Hindi Channel: Dear Viewers, The ‘Latest Update’ Program is Team Drishti IAS English\'s new initiative. The main objective of this program is to cover all the relevant and important topics from UPSC and state PSC points of view. In this program, one particular topic of current affairs will be discussed in a concise manner. This will make it easy for aspirants to understand the news. A lot of direct questions asked in the preliminary examinations are covered in this program. Similarly, this program will help you a lot in making the answers authentic in the mains examination as well. We hope that you like this initiative of ours, and you will be able to take full advantage of it. You must share your feedback related to the program with us in the comment box. Please Like, Share & Subscribe! =̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵=̵
Tags: international food day , world food day 2021 upsc , world food day theme upsc , world food day news , theme Grow nourish sustain Together upsc , Our actions are our future upsc , Food and Agricultural Organisation upsc , FAO drishti ias upsc , World food day history upsc , world food day events
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